RHCSA (Red Hat Certified System Administrator) roadmap for 90-days


RHCSA (Red Hat Certified System Administrator) roadmap broken down by topics, structured for a 90-day preparation period:

Phase 1: Linux Basics and System Administration Fundamentals (Days 1-30)

Week 1: Linux Basics

  • Day 1-3: Introduction to Linux

    • Understand Linux distributions and their features.
    • Familiarize yourself with basic Linux commands (ls, cd, mkdir, rm, etc.).
    • Practice navigating the file system hierarchy.
  • Day 4-5: Filesystem Management

    • Learn about different Linux filesystem types (ext4, XFS, etc.).
    • Manage disk partitions using tools like fdisk and parted.
    • Format filesystems and mount/unmount them.
  • Day 6-7: User and Group Management

    • Create, modify, and delete user accounts.
    • Manage user groups and group memberships.
    • Set user account attributes using commands like useradd, usermod, groupadd, etc.

Week 2: System Administration Fundamentals

  • Day 8-10: Process Management

    • Understand Linux processes and their states.
    • Manage processes using commands like ps, top, kill, killall, etc.
    • Use systemctl to manage system services and check service status.
  • Day 11-13: Package Management

    • Manage software packages with yum (Yellowdog Updater Modified) and dnf (Dandified YUM).
    • Install, update, remove packages and manage repositories.
    • Understand package groups and dependency resolution.
  • Day 14-15: System Boot Process

    • Understand the Linux boot process (GRUB, systemd, init).
    • Manage boot targets and services using systemctl.
    • Troubleshoot boot issues.

Week 3: Networking and Security Basics

  • Day 16-18: Network Configuration

    • Configure network interfaces manually and using nmcli.
    • Manage network connections and troubleshoot network issues.
    • Understand basic network troubleshooting commands (ping, traceroute, netstat, etc.).
  • Day 19-20: Firewall and SELinux

    • Configure firewalls using firewalld.
    • Understand and manage SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) settings.
    • Implement basic firewall rules and SELinux policies.
  • Day 21-22: Access Control

    • Manage file permissions and ownership.
    • Use chmod, chown, and chgrp commands effectively.
    • Understand setuid, setgid, and sticky bits.

Phase 2: Advanced System Administration (Days 31-60)

Week 4: Storage Management

  • Day 23-25: Disk Management and LVM

    • Partition disks using fdisk and parted.
    • Manage logical volumes (LVM) using commands like lvcreate, vgcreate, lvextend, etc.
    • Resize logical volumes and filesystems.
  • Day 26-27: Filesystem Administration

    • Manage filesystem attributes and quotas.
    • Perform filesystem checks (fsck) and repairs.
    • Understand and configure automount filesystems.

Week 5: Advanced Package Management and Task Automation

  • Day 28-30: Advanced Package Management

    • Configure yum/dnf repositories.
    • Create and manage local repositories.
    • Resolve package dependencies and troubleshoot package installation issues.
  • Day 31-32: Task Automation with Shell Scripting

    • Write and execute basic shell scripts.
    • Use loops, conditionals, and functions in scripts.
    • Schedule tasks using cron and at.

Week 6: Networking and Security Advanced Topics

  • Day 33-35: Network Services and DNS

    • Configure and troubleshoot DNS clients (resolv.conf, systemd-resolved).
    • Implement basic DNS server configurations (named).
    • Understand DNS resolution and troubleshooting techniques.
  • Day 36-37: Network File Sharing

    • Configure NFS (Network File System) client and server.
    • Set up and troubleshoot Samba (SMB/CIFS) shares.
    • Implement basic NFS and Samba security.

Week 7: Web Services and System Monitoring

  • Day 38-40: Apache Web Server

    • Install and configure Apache HTTP server.
    • Create virtual hosts and configure web server options.
    • Implement basic web server security measures.
  • Day 41-42: System Monitoring and Logging

    • Configure system logging (rsyslog) and log rotation.
    • Monitor system performance using tools like top, vmstat, sar, etc.
    • Analyze system logs for troubleshooting and security monitoring.

Phase 3: Troubleshooting and Review (Days 61-90)

Week 8: Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning

  • Day 43-45: System Performance Tuning

    • Identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.
    • Use systemd tools for performance analysis and tuning.
    • Optimize system memory, CPU, and disk usage.
  • Day 46-47: System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

    • Use system troubleshooting tools (strace, tcpdump, journalctl, etc.).
    • Analyze and resolve common system issues (boot problems, network failures, etc.).
    • Implement solutions to mitigate security vulnerabilities.

Week 9: Review and Practice Exams

  • Day 48-50: RHCSA Exam Objectives Review

    • Review all RHCSA exam objectives thoroughly.
    • Practice labs and exercises covering exam topics.
    • Focus on areas where you need more practice or improvement.
  • Day 51-52: Practice Exams and Simulations

    • Take practice exams to simulate exam conditions.
    • Time yourself to ensure you can complete tasks within the exam timeframe.
    • Review answers and identify areas needing further study.

Week 10: Final Preparation and Exam Readiness

  • Day 53-55: Final Review and Mock Exams

    • Conduct final review sessions covering all exam objectives.
    • Take mock exams to assess your readiness.
    • Seek feedback from peers or mentors on your performance.
  • Day 56-60: Exam Day Preparation

    • Plan your exam day logistics (location, transportation, ID requirements, etc.).
    • Ensure your testing environment is suitable and free from distractions.
    • Stay calm, focused, and confident on exam day.

Additional Tips:

  • Hands-on Practice: Utilize virtualization software (VirtualBox, VMware) to create and manage Linux environments.
  • Documentation: Refer to Red Hat official documentation and man pages for detailed information on commands and configurations.
  • Community Support: Engage with online forums, study groups, or social media communities for support and advice.
  • Time Management: Allocate time each day for study and practice, sticking to your schedule to cover all exam objectives.

Following this structured roadmap should prepare you thoroughly for the RHCSA exam within a 90-day period. Adjust the pace according to your learning style and prior experience. Good luck with your RHCSA certification journey!

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