RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) roadmap for 90 days

RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) certification in 90 days requires a focused and structured approach covering a wide range of topics. Here’s a detailed roadmap broken down by weeks and topics to guide your preparation:

Phase 1: Foundation (Days 1-30)

Week 1: Linux System Administration Review

  • Day 1-3: Review RHCSA Basics
    • Refresh your knowledge of RHCSA-level topics: filesystems, users/groups, processes, services, networking basics, and security.

Week 2: Networking and Advanced Networking

  • Day 4-6: Network Configuration and Troubleshooting

    • Configure networking using nmcli and nmtui.
    • Troubleshoot network issues including connectivity, DNS resolution, and firewall configurations.
  • Day 7-8: Advanced Networking

    • Configure bond interfaces (teamd, nmcli).
    • Implement VLANs and bridge interfaces.
    • Practice network troubleshooting with tcpdump and Wireshark.

Week 3: System Security and SELinux

  • Day 9-11: SELinux Configuration and Troubleshooting

    • Manage SELinux contexts and policies.
    • Troubleshoot SELinux denials and enable/disable SELinux.
    • Implement SELinux Booleans and understand MLS (Multi-Level Security).
  • Day 12-13: Firewalls and VPNs

    • Configure firewall rules with firewalld and iptables.
    • Implement basic VPN configurations using openvpn.

Week 4: Web Services and File Sharing

  • Day 14-16: Apache HTTP Server

    • Configure Apache virtual hosts with SSL.
    • Implement HTTP authentication and access controls.
    • Set up Apache as a reverse proxy.
  • Day 17-18: NFS and Samba

    • Configure NFSv4 server and client configurations.
    • Set up Samba for Windows file sharing.
  • Day 19-20: MariaDB/MySQL Database Services

    • Install and configure MariaDB or MySQL.
    • Manage databases, users, and permissions.
    • Perform database backups and restores.

Phase 2: Advanced System Administration (Days 31-60)

Week 5: Shell Scripting and Automation

  • Day 21-23: Bash Scripting

    • Write scripts for automation tasks.
    • Use loops, conditionals, functions, and parameters in scripts.
  • Day 24-25: System Performance Tuning

    • Monitor system performance (top, vmstat, sar).
    • Tune kernel parameters (sysctl) and file system attributes.
    • Optimize CPU, memory, and disk I/O performance.

Week 6: System Monitoring and Logging

  • Day 26-28: Logging and Analysis

    • Configure centralized logging (rsyslog).
    • Use journalctl for systemd journal analysis.
    • Set up log rotation and manage log files.
  • Day 29-30: Process Management and Automation

    • Manage processes (ps, top, kill).
    • Automate tasks with cron and at.

Week 7: Containers and Orchestration

  • Day 31-33: Docker Installation and Basic Usage

    • Install Docker CE and manage Docker containers.
    • Create Docker images and Dockerfiles.
  • Day 34-35: Kubernetes Basics

    • Install and configure minikube or kubeadm.
    • Deploy applications using Kubernetes.

Week 8: Advanced Services and Security

  • Day 36-38: LDAP Directory Services

    • Configure LDAP clients and servers (openldap).
    • Implement centralized authentication.
  • Day 39-40: HTTPS and TLS Certificates

    • Generate and manage SSL/TLS certificates.
    • Configure Apache and Nginx for HTTPS.

Phase 3: Troubleshooting and Practice Exams (Days 61-90)

Week 9: Troubleshooting and Review

  • Day 41-43: Troubleshooting Methodologies

    • Practice systematic troubleshooting of Linux system issues.
    • Use debugging tools (strace, tcpdump, Wireshark).
    • Analyze system logs and performance metrics.
  • Day 44-45: Exam Objectives Review

    • Review all RHCE exam objectives.
    • Focus on areas needing improvement based on practice exams and lab exercises.

Week 10: Practice Exams and Final Preparation

  • Day 46-48: Practice Labs and Simulations

    • Take mock exams and practice labs to simulate exam conditions.
    • Time management practice to complete tasks within the allocated timeframe.
  • Day 49-50: Final Review and Exam Readiness

    • Conduct final review sessions covering all exam topics.
    • Ensure familiarity with exam format, rules, and logistics.

Additional Tips:

  • Hands-on Practice: Utilize virtualization tools like VirtualBox, VMware, or libvirt with KVM.
  • Documentation: Refer to Red Hat official documentation and man pages for detailed information.
  • Community Support: Engage with online forums and study groups for additional support and resources.
  • Time Management: Allocate time each day for study and practice, focusing on weaker areas as needed.

Following this roadmap should prepare you thoroughly for the RHCE certification exam within 90 days. Adjust the pace according to your learning style and prior experience. Good luck with your RHCE certification journey!

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