RHCA (Red Hat Certified Architect) roadmap for 90 days

RHCA (Red Hat Certified Architect) certification in 90 days requires a comprehensive understanding of advanced Linux system administration, networking, and enterprise-level technologies. Here’s a detailed roadmap broken down by weeks and topics to guide your preparation:

Phase 1: Foundation (Days 1-30)

Week 1: Review and Advanced System Administration

  • Day 1-3: Review RHCE Topics

    • Refresh your knowledge of RHCE-level topics: networking, security, web services, and automation.
  • Day 4-5: Linux Kernel and System Performance Tuning

    • Understand Linux kernel architecture and parameters (sysctl).
    • Monitor system performance and optimize resource usage (vmstat, sar).
  • Day 6-7: Advanced Shell Scripting and Automation

    • Master Bash scripting for automation, including loops, conditionals, functions, and error handling.
    • Automate tasks with cron, systemd timers, and advanced scripting techniques.

Week 2: Networking and Security

  • Day 8-10: Advanced Networking Concepts

    • Configure and troubleshoot advanced network configurations, including VLANs, bonding, and bridging.
    • Implement complex network services and routing scenarios.
  • Day 11-13: Advanced Security and SELinux

    • Configure SELinux for complex security policies and MLS (Multi-Level Security).
    • Implement and manage network and host-based firewalls (firewalld, iptables).

Week 3: Enterprise Services and High Availability

  • Day 14-16: High Availability Clustering

    • Deploy and manage Pacemaker-based clusters for high availability.
    • Configure and test failover scenarios for critical services.
  • Day 17-18: Load Balancing with HAProxy and Nginx

    • Set up and configure HAProxy and Nginx as load balancers for web and application services.
    • Manage SSL termination and optimize load balancing configurations.
  • Day 19-20: Distributed File Systems and Storage Management

    • Deploy and manage distributed file systems like GlusterFS.
    • Configure storage solutions for high availability and redundancy.

Phase 2: Advanced Enterprise Solutions (Days 31-60)

Week 4: Virtualization and Containerization

  • Day 21-23: Virtualization with KVM and VMware

    • Install and configure KVM and VMware virtualization environments.
    • Manage virtual machines and perform migrations.
  • Day 24-25: Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

    • Deploy Kubernetes clusters using kubeadm or managed services.
    • Configure Kubernetes networking, persistent storage, and security policies.

Week 5: Cloud Integration and Automation

  • Day 26-28: Cloud Platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP)

    • Integrate Red Hat solutions with public cloud platforms.
    • Deploy and manage hybrid cloud environments.
  • Day 29-30: Ansible Automation

    • Master Ansible automation for configuration management and orchestration.
    • Develop Ansible playbooks for infrastructure as code (IaC) and complex deployments.

Week 6: DevOps Practices and CI/CD Pipelines

  • Day 31-33: Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)

    • Implement CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins or GitLab CI.
    • Integrate automated testing and deployment strategies.
  • Day 34-35: Version Control Systems

    • Manage source code repositories with Git.
    • Implement branching strategies and code review processes.

Week 7: Database Administration and Performance Optimization

  • Day 36-38: Advanced Database Management

    • Install and configure enterprise databases (MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL).
    • Perform database administration tasks, including backup and recovery strategies.
  • Day 39-40: Database Performance Tuning

    • Optimize database performance using indexing, query optimization, and resource allocation.
    • Monitor database health and troubleshoot performance issues.

Phase 3: Design and Implementation (Days 61-90)

Week 8: System Design and Architecture

  • Day 41-43: Enterprise Architecture Design

    • Design scalable and resilient architectures for enterprise applications.
    • Evaluate and select appropriate technologies for specific use cases.
  • Day 44-45: Security Design and Compliance

    • Develop security architectures and policies to meet compliance requirements.
    • Implement secure network and application designs.

Week 9: Troubleshooting and Optimization

  • Day 46-48: Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques

    • Troubleshoot complex system and network issues using advanced tools (strace, tcpdump, etc.).
    • Perform root cause analysis and implement solutions.
  • Day 49-50: Performance Optimization and Capacity Planning

    • Optimize system and application performance for scalability and efficiency.
    • Conduct capacity planning based on workload and resource usage metrics.

Week 10: Exam Preparation and Final Review

  • Day 51-53: RHCA Exam Objectives Review

    • Review all RHCA exam objectives and practice exam questions.
    • Focus on integrating and applying knowledge across multiple domains.
  • Day 54-55: Mock Exams and Simulations

    • Take simulated RHCA exams to assess readiness and improve time management.
    • Identify areas needing further review or practice.

Additional Tips:

  • Hands-on Practice: Utilize lab environments with virtualization technologies (KVM, VMware), Docker, and Kubernetes.
  • Documentation: Refer to Red Hat official documentation, industry best practices, and whitepapers.
  • Community Support: Engage with Red Hat forums, study groups, and online communities for advice and collaboration.
  • Time Management: Allocate sufficient time each day for study and practice, focusing on practical application of concepts.

Following this roadmap will help you build a solid foundation and expertise across various domains necessary for the RHCA certification. Adjust the pace and focus areas based on your existing knowledge and learning preferences. Good luck on your RHCA certification journey!

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